

21 results found

ARIAS MONTANO (Benito). Naturae Historia, prima in... (1601)
Arias Montano, forerunner of Linnaeus and Torricelli  

ARIAS MONTANO (Benito). Naturae Historia, prima in Magni Operis Corpore pars.  
Antverpiae, ex Officina Plantiniana, 1601.
  Contemporary vellum, title inscribed at a later date in ink on the spine. (ref.109036)

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First Edition. Important work of the Spanish humanist Benito Arias ... more

BARTHEZ (Paul Joseph). Nova Doctrina de Functionib... (1774)

BARTHEZ (Paul Joseph). Nova Doctrina de Functionibus Naturae Humanae.  
Monspellii, Augustinum Franciscum Rochard, 1774.
  Demi veau, dos lisse orné (Relié vers 1800). (ref.66714)

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EDITION ORIGINALE du principal ouvrage de Paul-Joseph Barthez (1734-1806), fondateur ... more

BELLEVAL (Charles de). Notice sur Montpellier. (1803)
One of the first tourist guide books of Montpellier
Presentation copy  

BELLEVAL (Charles de). Notice sur Montpellier.  
A Montpellier, chez Renaud, an XI (1803).
  Original wrappers. (ref.97106)

book available

First Edition of one of the first tourist guide books ... more

BELLEVAL (Charles de). Notice sur Montpellier. Sec... (1805)
One of Montpellier's first tourist guides  

BELLEVAL (Charles de). Notice sur Montpellier. Seconde édition, corrigée et augmentée.  
A Montpellier, chez Renaud, an XIII (1805).
  Red half-morocco, smooth spine adorned, corners covered with green vellum (contemporary binding, lightly rubbed covers). (ref.108264)

book available

Second edition, partly original, of one of the first tourist ... more

BRENDEL (Zacharias). Chimia in artis forma redacta... (1671)

BRENDEL (Zacharias). Chimia in artis forma redacta. Ubi praeter Methodum addiscendi… Chimicas facilimam, disquisitio curata de famosissima preparatione Auri Potabili instituitur, post obitum Autoris, Consilio Werneri Rolfinck… Lugduni Batavorum, Arnoldi Doude, 1671.
(Relié à la suite:)
2). WEDEL (Georg Wolfgang). Specimen Experimentici Chimici Novi, de Sale Volatili Plantarum quo demonstratur Posse ex Plantis modo peculiari Sal Volatili verum et genuinum. Jena, Johannis Bielkii, 1682.  

2 works in 1, 12mo...
  Full ivory vellum with flaps, handwritten title on the spine (contemporary binding). (ref.68091)

book available

1). Third edition of the best-known work of German chemist ... more


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