Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia. Graece et Latine. Latinam interpretationem M. Aemilius P. Fr. Porti C. F. Linguae Graecae Professor novissime recognovit, accurate repurgavit, et passim illustravit. (Heidelberg), apud Hieronymum Commelinum, 1598.
RELIÉ AVEC (à la suite): 2). CARMINUM POETARUM novem, lyricae poeses principum, fragmenta. Alcaei, Anacreontis, Sapphus, Bacchylidis, Stesichori, Simonidis, Ibyci, Alcmanis, Pindari. Nonnulla etiam aliorum. Cum Latina interpretatione, partim soluta oratione, partim carmine. (Heidelberg), apud Hieronymum Commelinum, 1598.
2 ouvrages en 1 volume in-8...
Contemporary full calf, double frame on the boards with triple gilt fillets and ornaments in the corners, coat of arms in the center of the boards (corners bumped).
(réf. 108457).
Interesting gathering of two works printed by the celebrated German ...